The Toyota's of Ethiopia


Staff member
Howdy Folks,

It's good to be back. If anyone was wondering where I was (or even noticed I was gone :whistling2:) I just got back from 10 days in Ethiopia. It was an amazing experience working with Orphans and Widows who are in need. It's easy to get bogged down with life's little problems in our country but they pale in comparison to so many others.

Anyways, that's a different subject for a different time. I wanted to post something relevant to this site. One thing I was blown away by during my visit was the amount of Toyota's in Ethiopia. I have no idea what the statistics are but I'd guess Toyota's make up 60 - 70% of the vehicles on the road (if you take out large commercial trucks). A lot of them were Hilux and Land Cruisers because of the hard roads in the country. They really keep them up too, vehicles in Ethiopia are subject to a 220% import duty so a Land Cruiser can cost almost $140k.

This was one of our transports for the trip. It really made me want to buy one :D



There were some other cool Land Cruisers as well.



A lot of vans including HiAce (not sure if this one is considered a HiAce or not)


Of course there were some other modes of transportation as well ;)


Finally, the Ethiopian Car Wash


Actually, they keep their vehicles very clean considering the conditions. At almost every stop our driver was clean the vehicle.

Anyways, just thought you guys may find it interest.
Cools pics Nathan, I bet it feels good to be back home. You never realize how good we have it here in this country til you go elsewhere, especially a place like Ethiopia.
Makes you see what you take for granted...

And they pro keep their cars clean so they last longer...what with that expensive of a vehicle...
That's cool what you were doing Nathan and it really is cool to see yotas in other countries but sad to see them in poverty