Grill installed


Well-Known Member
Finally everything got installed, grill from DBcustoms, LED 52" LED 30" and LED 3" , tell me what guys think?? Thanks in advance ImageUploadedByTaco Forum1488683926.876825.jpg
Looks like ****. So ****tay. I wish my grill and **** looked that **** on ****ty.

16' TRD OR DCLB Inferno
IMG_0759.GIF Can you see better? I have night blindness. I'm wondering if 7.5 feet of LED lights would help with that. How does it look in the dark?
The grill looks good. Windshield deflectors will save you money on windshields, but it breaks up the clean look of the loong hood.
Have someone else drive it towards you at night so that you can see the lights as oncoming traffic sees them. Just sayin'.