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Hello Tacoma Forum!

Sorry for the long post.....

I'm looking for some guidance. I'm just starting to look at the Tacoma as a possible everyday driver, mtn bike hauler, dirt roads to the cabin driver, etc. What I've noticed is how many different models there are and I'm not quite sure which one will fit what I want.

A little about me. I usually buy a car that's 2 years old and 30K miles and drive it until it dies. I've never owned a Toyota. I'm a Subaru guy at heart. I'm currently on Subaru #5 (Outback #3). I've been driving them since 1990 (yep, I'm getting old). I've had several go well over 200K miles and love the simplicity and durability of them. However, my 2014 Outback just doesn't do it for me. I think the CVT has turned me against Subie....and that pains me. It's just not a fun car to drive.

Anyway, with that said, here's what I'm looking for. My only requirements for a truck are it needs to be a 4x4, 6 cylinder, and automatic (I'm old and my left knee has given out after 25 years of driving a manual). I've really become accustomed to the all-wheel drive of Subie and 4x4 is needed for the dirt roads to get to my cabin. I don't really need anything else. All the special electronics and crap that most new cars come with are overkill in my opinion. I just need a basic vehicle to drive for 10 years w/o having to fuss too much or worry about it.

One thing I keep reading and hearing is that the tranny really seems to always be searching for the right gear in the automatic. Is this true for everyone?

I do plan on doing some mods myself...lift kit, tires, maybe a big-a$$ bumper, and some smaller cosmetic things. Who knows where it goes once I get going on it. I'm also going to be test driving the Ranger and Colorado for comparisons but my feeling right off the bat is that they won't hold their value like the Taco will. Plus, they both seem to have too much 'electronic stuff' in them to my liking.

Thanks for any info and I'm sure I'll have tons more questions.
The 3rd gens are notorious for gear searching. A guy told me at a local 4 wheel shop that changing the axle gears are helping, but who wants to spend a couple more thousand on a new truck? The 2nd gens which go up to 2015 don’t have the searching issue. The resale value will always be higher with a Taco than the 2 American mades you mentioned. My only advice would be to get an extended warranty on a new one or look at the 2nd gen. I’ve had both and like my ‘10 better than the ‘16 or ‘17 that I had. Good luck and do your research.