#47 ... Liberation Day

So? there still all liberals on npr, same as cnn, msnbc, cbs, and abc not to mention other news outlets. Do I have to educate you on everything? I'm just waiting with baited breath trump is going to crack down on all these outlets that spew the hatred type bs our country doesn't need to hear..
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we should be allowed to sue all those fake news organizations, the new hissy fit lie is Trumps going to gut social security and throw grandma over the cliff when in fact he has stated many times that social security benefits wont be cut at all, but all those who are scamming the system will be cut, that goes for Medicare,welfare, food stamps, free college. the Liberals obviously want the blatant scamming to continue, and criminal gangs to remain and commit more crimes in the US, this is no surprise the Libs love to coddle all criminals and give the bill to hard working tax payers to fund the insanity and deal with the violence.
All the Liberals power is that they can fleece the US taxpayer thru Government programs, and give free stuff out, most of the people have never been vetted to see if they actually deserve the benefit, but who cares says the Libs its a great way to buy votes(it works) till the people paying that bill vote them out.
Yeah, heard on the news yesterday the u.s. is turning to brazil to import more eggs...also considering getting eggs from turkey, and south korea.
I just bought a dozen large eggs the other day for a little over $4 at Aldi's, so they have come down.

On another note I see trumpster would like to cut off taxpayer funds to npr, and pbs. Thats gotta make you angry. Bert, Ernie, and Elmo would have a rough time.
no more champagne taste on a beer budget
all those freebies and handouts can be paid out of the Liberals wallets, send the bills directly to Pocahantas's, AOC;s and Bernie Sanders personal accounts to be paid since they feel so strongly about keeping all those Social programs alive and dont give a dam about balancing the checkbook(budget)
Dems never had a beer budget. They have been use to having as much pork as they can spend. All that is coming to an end, and they are squealing like no tomorrow.
Not particularly fond of the tariffs on cars and car parts made overseas, it means the parts will be higher for our trucks!

On another note how about opening up the pipeline again like he did in his first term and lowering these damn gas prices??!!