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  1. M

    Oz on tacomaworld should he be banned?

    It is just the internet! Some people take it too literally
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    Oz on tacomaworld should he be banned?

    True I mostly put this thread on here as a joke and oz is not as bad but you need to be unbanned from tw
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    Oz on tacomaworld should he be banned?

    Unfortunately he is not banned yet...
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    Oz on tacomaworld should he be banned?

    Should oz be banned I mean he is kind of a troll there
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    NorthWest BS thread

    Anyone want a northwest meet maybe?
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    california gun laws have gone wild.

    Obama and the liberals can shove gun control up their asses
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    Name your Truck

    I named mine locotaco
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    iOS vs Android

    Android hands down
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    The American Patriot?

    I will fight till my breath but I am saying that since I would if I had to as a last resort
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    The American Patriot?

    Chris Christie is eating all the food so no wonder New Jersey sucks! And I am glad to see guys still love this country and are proud of it plus we all have to stand as brothers if we are to keep our freedom
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    The American Patriot?

    Haha there are so many Mexicans who are illegally that is almost like the southwest is part of mexico and don't get me wrong I have friends who are Mexican and they hate the illegal aliens since they came here legally
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    The American Patriot?

    I am hoping Ben Carson runs or Rand Paul or else we will need a full scale revolution to return back to the articles of confederation
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    california gun laws have gone wild.

    That is why I am thinking of never going to california
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    california gun laws have gone wild.

    This is why you guys need to move to another state
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    The American Patriot?

    It is nice to see guys who still love their country!! You guys are what this make this country awesome
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    The American Patriot?

    Lol what red dawn are you referring to
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    The American Patriot?

    Anyone here still love this country like their ancestors loved it
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    Steering wheel wobble

    You could have loose steering linkage
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    Prayer and support thread

    OK seriously its not just for Christians if you need prayer then post it here
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    Prayer and support thread

    If you guys need prayer for anything or just a place to get support this thread is dedicated to it so just know you got guys on here that care about you