Search results

  1. RMAN808

    What have you done to your Tacoma today? 1st Gen Edition

    Dang I guess not too many 1st genners on here huh? I guess for now I'll just post up in the General Tacoma 'what did you do' thread :tongue:
  2. RMAN808

    UTAH (and Surrounding Areas) BS Thread

    I guess no other Utahns found out about TF :notsure:
  3. RMAN808


    This is awesome what you got goin on here :) Sucks about the roll, but excited to see it come back to life!
  4. RMAN808

    Our First Moderator: ae111black

    808 boy as mod... Congrats bu!
  5. RMAN808

    need a little help is a good site. they have discount codes too. not for much, but it's something.
  6. RMAN808

    Tacoma Forum Launch Contest - Free Shirts, Stickers, and a chance to win an iPad Mini

    But if you win it for FREE then you're not at a loss :thumbsup:
  7. RMAN808

    Other Toyotas You Own (or Owned)

    Daddy-o's 2005 ...and my lil bro's 2000 4Runner Sport Edition
  8. RMAN808

    Help me win a contest!

    Went to vote, turns out I voted last month :thumbsup: GOOD LUCK!!
  9. RMAN808

    2001 - 2004 Topic? Let me here your thoughts

    And I haz Grillcraft :eek: lol
  10. RMAN808

    2001 - 2004 Topic? Let me here your thoughts

    But Satoshi :tongue:
  11. RMAN808

    Fuelly link not working

    Not sure about in terms of posting it in your sig, but does it automatically update in your sig (or that link) everytime you fill up or mpg changes?
  12. RMAN808 Sticker Feedback

    I meant stick it on a random one :p EDIT: make em rep the good stuff
  13. RMAN808 Sticker Feedback

    On a Ford or Jeep :tongue: :laughing: kidding
  14. RMAN808

    2001 - 2004 Topic? Let me here your thoughts

    I wish my '99 had the 01-04 front end. One of the first things I wanted to do to my truck was to do the front end swap. Didn't happen :sad:
  15. RMAN808

    4Runner to Tacoma

    I'm with the others on keeping the 4Runner. But either way, glad you chose a Tacoma to switch to :thumbsup:
  16. RMAN808

    New in Maine

    Welcome man! :) Trust me, you'll learn A LOT from forums like these. A LOT.
  17. RMAN808 Sticker Feedback

    Got mine in the mail today along with my TF shirt! :woot: They look good. Thanks again Nathan!
  18. RMAN808

    First Generation Tacoma Pics

    Oh man, to imagine how much monies everyone would have if we didn't mod our trucks :tongue:
  19. RMAN808

    Other Toyotas You Own (or Owned)

    Wish I still had pictures, but I had my dad's old '90 pickup in high school. Used to share a 2000 4Runner Sport with my brothers and now I have my very own Tacoma :)