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  1. Detective_Dan

    newb from central florida.

    Where at in central Florida?
  2. Detective_Dan

    xrunner vs mazdaspeed3

    In a straight line, yea I could see them being very similar stock vs stock. Now on corners is a whole different story lol
  3. Detective_Dan

    xrunner vs mazdaspeed3

    That run was a 14.8. Best of the night was 14.4. I hate being almost 5000 ft above sea level lol
  4. Detective_Dan

    Favorite Modification?

    Did you get this from kody? Or DIY
  5. Detective_Dan


    The ride is basically the same. Just a tad stiffer and obviously lower so I don't hit bumps as fast as I used to. I actually try to avoid them because Ive managed to already scrape on a speed bump on base. Needless to say, I try not to use that road anymore
  6. Detective_Dan

    xrunner vs mazdaspeed3

    Lol yupp. Beat up on by a 4400lb truck
  7. Detective_Dan

    xrunner vs mazdaspeed3

    2011 X-Runner vs 2012 Mazdaspeed3 El Paso Motorplex - YouTube
  8. Detective_Dan

    Who is throat-yogurt-69?

    it said neg rep me, i dont "blank" care cmack? lol
  9. Detective_Dan

    The Red Devil :: 2011 Toyota X-Runner

    2013 Toyota (2013-03-03 22:33:05)
  10. Detective_Dan

    Who is throat-yogurt-69?

    ^ lol yea win (fail?)
  11. Detective_Dan

    Who is throat-yogurt-69?

    Liquid lozenge
  12. Detective_Dan


    finally got around to installing this damn kit lol. XII Performance Street Drop Kit. stock suspension stock wheel gap rear front starting the install rear blocks in stock...
  13. Detective_Dan

    Who is throat-yogurt-69?

  14. Detective_Dan

    Who is throat-yogurt-69?

    This is quite entertaining. Still trying to figure out who this trachea-dairy is as well
  15. Detective_Dan

    its the little things that pop...

    Well if you ever end up going, hit me up. It's only a 5 mile drive from my house lol
  16. Detective_Dan

    its the little things that pop...

    ordered a BSP xrunner badge to replace my BRM one. i love the way it pops on my all black/red theme black/red theme
  17. Detective_Dan

    Detective_Dan crossing over!

    I was probably gonna sit down this weekend and do it. Can't tomorrow because of work, Friday I'm headed out to the track, Saturday I'm installing my lowering kit and ill need an alignment sometime shortly after lol. Hopefully I'll find some time