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  1. Taco Obsessor

    President Obama acted unpresidentially?

    Yea. Might have been a nice guy but not the best president.
  2. Taco Obsessor

    TRD Sport vs. TRD Off

    The scoop on front of the sport is also cool too.
  3. Taco Obsessor

    TRD Sport vs. TRD Off

    My personal preference is TRD Off road.
  4. Taco Obsessor

    Guns and tacos!

    Yes sir.
  5. Taco Obsessor

    Guns and tacos!

    Regular law abiding people will get there guns taken away. Then the people who got guns illegally will shoot us defenseless people.
  6. Taco Obsessor

    Guns and tacos!

    Yea I know. People want to take guns away and it’s not going to do anything but make stuff worse
  7. Taco Obsessor

    Guns and tacos!

    So true bro. People are oblivious and don’t think sometimes.
  8. Taco Obsessor

    Guns and tacos!

    People who want to take away guns are [emoji107]
  9. Taco Obsessor

    Does anyone watch that Max Powell dude.

    Yes he’s awesome. I wonder if he uses this forum app.
  10. Taco Obsessor

    Does anyone watch that Max Powell dude.

    I think he’s a pretty cool dude
  11. Taco Obsessor

    Post you’re Fails of Off-roading!!

    Did you get your foot smashed?? [emoji23]
  12. Taco Obsessor

    Front bumpers

    That’s a good looking bumper
  13. Taco Obsessor

    Post Pictures of your Tacoma here!

    Love the blue brother. What tires do you have on it?
  14. Taco Obsessor

    Post Pictures of your Tacoma here!

    You guys have some awesome truck.
  15. Taco Obsessor

    Post Pictures of your Tacoma here!

    I’m curious to see what everyone’s got! [emoji106]
  16. Taco Obsessor


    Congrats. Nice truck
  17. Taco Obsessor

    Hello from Greenbrier

    I live in Arkansas too. Nice truck as well.
  18. Taco Obsessor

    My first Tacoma

    Way to get away from jeeps. They’re overrated. Tacoma’s are better. Nice truck too
  19. Taco Obsessor

    Keep a Word, Drop a Word

    Birthday Party