heard a ton of good things about them, and handled one at a friend's gun store...but couldnt find a deal until now. Can't wait- im checking amazon every hour :unsure:
got a few benchmades, cold steels and SOGs, but no kershaw/ZT's yet. sooo stoked
the only thing I bought on black friday/cyber monday was a ZT035ts for 50% off.
i dont know whether I should be happy I got 50% off, or sad that I spent almost $100 on a knife
but zymol is a traditional wax in every sense, including how it has to be applied.
it's not the most durable wax but it looks the best. clarity tests showed it to be superior to anything on the market
just to reinforce what others said
I leave a phone charger and itrip plugged in 24/7 in my 1st gen, my dad leaves a phone charger in his 24/7 and we've both never had problems
hey nate
I think you need to put your foot down as far as rules go; open violations of the posting rules should result in bans or citations rather than post wipes. Otherwise, guys like this just go around pissing everyone off