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  1. vincesim70

    Finally Ordered

    Congrats, i luv my Tacoma but i would definately swap it for a tundra. I luv cabin space comfort. The only problem is i don't haul heavy trailers or materials. Come on Tundra! Time to revamp that 5.7 hauler to something less thirsty! I luv toyota
  2. vincesim70

    Radio not working

    Best winter tires for Tacomas?
  3. vincesim70

    Show us your rims...

    I appologize i mean't Pacer rims that are now discontinued
  4. vincesim70

    Show us your rims...

    Centra 20 inch with Falcon tires
  5. vincesim70

    How Many Miles Do You Have?

    That's great, keep those miles a comin! Thx
  6. vincesim70

    How Many Miles Do You Have?

    Here is my reading on the km's for my 2009 Tac
  7. vincesim70

    How Many Miles Do You Have?

    Close to 180000. Km I send a pic soon