Recent content by ><DELTADAWG><

  1. ><DELTADAWG><

    2017 SR5 Trouble switching back from 4WD back to 2WD

    OK - I switched on the fly like you said and it still makes a nasty clunk when going back into 2WD. My buddy told me to put it in Neutral and switch it to 2wd - if it doesnt go back to 2wd - throw it in reverse for a second and try it again. I did this and it worked first time without any hard...
  2. ><DELTADAWG><

    2017 SR5 Trouble switching back from 4WD back to 2WD

    The Donger says Thank you ma brothers - will do it whilst on the roll next time.
  3. ><DELTADAWG><

    2017 SR5 Trouble switching back from 4WD back to 2WD

    I have a 2017 SR5 and I can easily get into 4WD - always doing it in neutral gear selection. Everything works fine while in 4WD but I really have trouble getting back into 2WD - also doing this in neutral. The ops manual said that if the 4WD indicator continuously blinks during this process, to...