a new chapter begins... the road to 400k

A vehicle as old as yours, likely needs new brake fluid, and new lines that connect from the steel ones to the calipers for starters. Even at that age the brake master cylinder/booster can get defective needing replacement. Pads, calipers, rear brake cylinders, and shoes all need to be inspected, or replaced. All these parts are subject to normal wear, and age. They are a major safety system in the truck. Its another reason a 25 year old truck can be a money pit.
It just so happens that the fonky braking was actually caused by the roasted bearing + wheel hub because all that jiving whilst braking completely stopped... for the time being:confused:
If the bearing was that bad, didn't you notice how the truck handled? You gotta wonder what else is ready for replacement.
30k down
70k to go
330k was turnt somewhere in Missouri on route 36 to Hannibal in the darkness and bugs everywhere
Thankfully no deer were spotted other than one already kilt
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He is accelerating the break down of his truck on the quest for 400k.

Soon we need to start a pool as to what mileage the break down happens leaving him stranded 32 miles outside of Booneyville.

Constant driving + no repair + marginal maintenance + high mileage = dead truck.

I suspect between 335-340 k miles.
I don't make a habit of flying either, but I do enjoy other stuff besides just driving, and driving.
I could spend free time sittin around and watch the corn grow :confused:

Once the clutch is replaced and trusty I am looking forward to wheelin' the BQE
I do oil changes radiator coolant and 4wd + Mt fluid on scheduled maintenance