Any Utah tacoma owners?

Not Utah, But CO... Close enough. Gotta ride through to get to Nevada anyways.

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If yall are trying to get something together in Vegas, look up battle born Toyotas, there out of Vegas and always doing something...
What I did for now is what you see on pictures and 3" lift y did put 285/75/17 Ko2 bf Goodrich and wheels, Rock stars II and now I'm thinking on do this...
ImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264501.109005.jpgImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264514.606685.jpgImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264528.307073.jpgImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264541.594272.jpgImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264553.478045.jpgImageUploadedByTaco Forum1471264563.279746.jpg
What do you think?