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Letters to the Editor: Scream it from the mountaintops, media -- Trump wants to be a dictator​

To the editor: Columnist Robin Abcarian writes about threats to the 1st Amendment if former President Trump is elected back into office. It is clear that the public must be reminded constantly that our democracy is now at stake.

The decline of our system is already happening. People now distrust our institutions of government, journalists and universities. What we had taken for granted as the backbone of our country is now being demeaned.

Trump and his people are now completely open about their plans to remove the restraints on his power that limited him last time. They are normalizing the term "dictator," trying to make it a joke. Reporters are already asking how authoritarian Trump might be, as if some level of authoritarianism has already been accepted.

Historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, in her book "Strongmen" and in recent interviews, warns that a country's population is usually unprepared for an authoritarian takeover, unable or unwilling to believe that violent change can take place.

Serious news outlets such as The Times need to regularly remind the public what Trump is preparing to do and what has already happened. If little about this is reported and analyzed, the door is further opened for far-right propagandists to constantly repeat their message and have it take hold.

Margo Kasdan, Seal Beach
i don't think it is fake at all what some demographic of the USA population thinks and/or believes to be true to their heart and soul
It's what the fake news wants you to believe its true. Too many folks are like sheep, and suck it up for gospel. There're unable to think clearly for themselves....thats the issue where we're at now.
this demographic is pointing their finger right at U for the same BS sheep you believe to be true true
Think this...were you better off when orangeman ruled the country, or is it better with brandon now? You need not to be a rhodes scholar to figure which.
when orangeman ruled the country there were domestic terrorists wreaking HAVOC in America's urban cities almost everywhere... and not a cotDamn thing was done about it
That was because democratic city mayors refused orangeman's help to send in the national guard while those same mayors were crying to defund the police. That stuff should have never got started in the first place due to those 4 cops stopping a drug laden black guy passing counterfeit money that ended up dying on them. Btw, is that the best you can come up with?
The u.s. supreme court will overrule this nonsense. You can't rule to keep someone off the ballot that hasn't even been convicted of a crime yet. It's laughable how the dems are always crying about democracy. This is pure, and simple banana republic tactics dictators use. As it gets closer, and closer to election time, the dem's are throwing everything, but an assassination attempt to see what sticks against the orangeman to keep him from becoming president.
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Orangeman for president can't come soon enough. Everyone should be fed-up with all the dems cheating, and dirty tricks.

'Trump, come in here and clean this mess up!' Seething Chicago resident explodes on migrant crisis and demands mayor 'send them all back'

A well-known Chicago activist has called for Donald Trump to 'come in here and clean up this mess,' decrying the influx of migrants and urging authorities to 'send them all back.'

George Blakemore, 81, has for the last 40 years attended every public meeting he can, from City Council to the Chicago Board of Education to the Water Reclamation District, Block Club Chicago reported.

Earlier this month, at a city council hearing to discuss putting Chicago's sanctuary city status on the ballot in March, Blakemore spoke out against Chicago's current policy towards migrants.

More than 26,000 migrants have arrived in Chicago over the past year by bus and plane, with about 14,000 currently in shelters. Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, has sent migrants from his state to Democrat-run cities in the north, in a bid to pressure Joe Biden to take action.

The cities are struggling to cope - and in Chicago a five-year-old boy died in a freezing and damp Chicago shelter on Sunday, and many are sleeping in O'Hare airport or police station lobbies.

Blakemore, who is black, said the situation was untenable.


'I am anti-illegal immigrant,' he said at the December 14 meeting. 'Send them all back across the Rio Grande

He yelled: 'We are the only people in America who were enslaved. We didn't come over waiting and looking for something. When we came we built this country, on free labor.

'To see another group come over here - it's disgraceful, it's un-American.'

He asked the council: 'What about the black children? The black workers? They compete with us.'

Blakemore continued: 'I am strictly advocating for black people. Call ICE on them.

'Trump, come in here and clean this mess up. The most corrupt city in the United States is the city of Chicago.'

Another activist, who gave her name as Lorraine Lawrence, agreed with Blakemore.

'I'm not for the sanctuary city,' she said. 'People have waited years to come in here legally. Not just come in on the buses. This is ludicrous.

'West Side and South Side black communities have been earmarked for having funds, but never seen it.'

She added: 'Is it fair to these communities that have been waiting for years?'

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I have to chuckle, as all these people were for sanctuary cities, and defunding the police, while refusing help from trump during the riots when he was president. Now they got their wish....the chit is hitting the fan.....Crying like spoiled children, for trump to clean this mess up.