The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Just received a threatening letter from my lawyer if I don't do a $15k phase 2 on my building he'll quit. He has advised me to seek further advice from an environmental lawyer.
I will reply back that he's fired. I don't need another 800 dollar an hour lawyer to advise me how to sell my property. There's no law that says I need a phase2 because of a nearby cleaners that operated up the street nearly 30 years ago. Nobody is holding a gun to these buyers heads that say they must buy the building. You want it, or leave it. The entire area is fed by city water. No one has an artisan well. No need to go looking for pollution, my shop is clean. I never put any dangerous chemicals in the ground. I know how these greenies work that do environmental assessments....they keep looking, and looking, till they can find something that they can remediate. Thats where the really big money is at. The entire city core has ground water pollution from all the industry thats gone on over the past 2 centuries. It's these crazy lawyers covering their butt with this bs, instead of just writing up the transfer of the property.
Its a risk, but could you have the property tested per the written codes??? The risk is if you know, then legally you need to disclose.

Definitely, dump that lawyer. He is not working for your interest. If you do the $15k Phase 2, then you don't need him. Either way, bye-bye.
Just received a threatening letter from my lawyer if I don't do a $15k phase 2 on my building he'll quit. He has advised me to seek further advice from an environmental lawyer.
I will reply back that he's fired. I don't need another 800 dollar an hour lawyer to advise me how to sell my property. There's no law that says I need a phase2 because of a nearby cleaners that operated up the street nearly 30 years ago. Nobody is holding a gun to these buyers heads that say they must buy the building. You want it, or leave it. The entire area is fed by city water. No one has an artisan well. No need to go looking for pollution, my shop is clean. I never put any dangerous chemicals in the ground. I know how these greenies work that do environmental assessments....they keep looking, and looking, till they can find something that they can remediate. Thats where the really big money is at. The entire city core has ground water pollution from all the industry thats gone on over the past 2 centuries. It's these crazy lawyers covering their butt with this bs, instead of just writing up the transfer of the property.
Its a risk, but could you have the property tested per the written codes??? The risk is if you know, then legally you need to disclose.

Definitely, dump that lawyer. He is not working for your interest. If you do the $15k Phase 2, then you don't need him. Either way, bye-bye.
I've come to the conclusion I have the wrong lawyer, he's working with the city. He has to stay in their good graces. I'm small potatoes in the grand scheme of things $$$. From what I can tell the cities mayor took him to the wood shed already. The city, and these buyers need to be in by mid November, and want the building badly due to its location, and condition. It's the rest of the land it sits on, their so worried about. I've known what these environmental guys do when having a phase 2....they keep looking, and drilling till they hit payday with something that quickly turns into a million $$$$$$$ to remediate. Thats their job. They already know the entire city area has ground water pollution of sorts, so this is like gold to them. Once you allow them to test, by law you're now on the hook for it all. Imo, it's a huge clean water act scam to those that aren't aware of this.
We had the same bs many years ago when they proposed a new interstate highway to alleviate the heavy traffic in the area instead of traveling a lot further before hitting the exit to these other cities. In the end the environmentalists won. The road was never built to this day.
Just finished roasting my breaded, and seasoned cauliflower florets. These suckers as as good as my jalapeño poppers. You can't just eat one without wanting several more.
I haven't run into any food trucks yet that make them. Just sampled one...yummy. I don't know how healthy they are, but they are tasty.
I saw them back in the 80's during their eliminator tour,....I think thats what it was called, at saratoga springs ny the night before the catra fish house hare scrambles where I was racing. They were awesome.
Finally got this guy over my home early today to dig the 125' trench for a new 2'' pvc conduit for my shed's electrical service that was hit by lightning a couple months ago. Friggin guy is captain chaos, and the master of disaster all in one. Between making a total mess of the yard after all this rain, then snapping off his excavator's bucket trying to remove a large bolder, its been one cluster fluck after another....the machine was down most the morning waiting for a welder truck to come over, and fix it. In the meantime I got this guy to bs with. Good news, he just started again this noon.