¡Hola Biches!


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Smells like diesel and shame in here

Smells like the start of a diesel fapping extravaganza
Wtf..I have had nothing to do with any deisel fapping suedo orgies here or anywhere else on the internets so don't associate me whippersnapper and his unusaul fetisishes
Wtf..I have had nothing to do with any deisel fapping suedo orgies here or anywhere else on the internets so don't associate me whippersnapper and his unusaul fetisishes

Funny how you and the others bring it up while I never do. Does J know how you feel about diesel? Don't replace her with diesel man. Diesel is a fuel not a lover.

Diesel doesn't love you back.
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I only brought it up because that's how I associate diesels now..whenever someone mentions diesel I think of you meja lol..same when someone mentions whippersnapper or Christian..I think...diesel lol

Diesel = Christian
Christian = diesel