Biden Drops out


Well-Known Member

Is it better to be a quitter or a looser? If Brandon is not able to run for President, how can he remain President? Questions to be asked.
She has ties to domestic terrorists that orangeman needs to flush out her
the Dems are going to portrait Kamala as a centrist as they did with Joe in 2020 in order to calm down the White undecided voters to their cause and drag her across the finish line like Sleepy Joe before. with promises of unity etc etc. And the election outcome will have to do with majority White voters who will fall for another Liberal trick or maybe they will smarten up this time and do whats right. i doubt they will they are dumb and afraid of being called Racists by their neighbors more than they are afraid of bringing this country into a 3rd world Globalist Socialist European weak model.
Harris finished last I think when she ran for President.
dont matter the whole strategy has been since 2016 is to put a first woman President in office or Women of Color this time, no matter how unqualified for the job. this why Joe picked her as VP he followed the marching orders of ultra Leftists Elites in Washington DC who stabbed him in the back,
Kamala is a california progressive liberal, and is so full chit trying to gaslight this country claiming all the awesome things they accomplished. She thinks we're all stupid that they know whats better for us. She'll never get enough votes to win the election from the rest of the country.
dont matter the whole strategy has been since 2016 is to put a first woman President in office or Women of Color this time, no matter how unqualified for the job. this why Joe picked her as VP he followed the marching orders of ultra Leftists Elites in Washington DC who stabbed him in the back,
What colour is that?
Brandon going into hospice??
Or that is just a rumour?
I've heard the same rumor. It was started from a right wing talk show host. Brandon had some sort of a medical emergency in vegas, maybe related to his covid. Don't know anymore then that.
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