
Not me.

- My Wife got it before there was a vaccine and her symptoms were flu-like and now, over a year later she has no sense of smell, no taste and memory loss. Low 40's.

- My Sister-in-law has gotten it twice even after being fully vaxed and boosted. She is physically fit high 40's. No sure her symptoms.

-My Brother-In-Law (in his mid 40s, very physically fit) down in Miami has gotten it 3 times now even after being fully vaxed and boosted. Not sure his symptoms.
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Has anybody here had or have Covid and what were your symptoms??

Everybody I know has had it. First time I caught it was December 2019 before it was even a thing.

Symptoms for VAXXED: really really bad cold with [negligible] chance of death.
Symptoms for UNvaxxed: makes you a little sleepy for one afternoon and you're back to normal by the next morning.

Yep, completely the reverse from what government says. What it comes down to is that the vaxx provides a very limited immunity against only one (of 28) expressed proteins, and prevents you from developing immunity based on any of the other proteins. Immunity to the nucleocapsid protein is the real key, because it is structural and does not mutate much (it can't because of its purpose), and because your immune system creates long term immunity to it and not just antibodies that get cleared out a few weeks after the infection is cleared. Yes, you are actually SUPPOSED to clear out antibodies shortly after the infection is cured. This is why they have to keep injecting the mrna goop over and over again. You don't develop long term immunity to the spike protein because your immune system recognizes that spike proteins mutate quickly and therefore make a very poor pattern for future use. Spike protein is effectively a Trojan horse for host cells, and mutations on it are like slapping on a different color of paint.

Long term immunity doesn't stop you from catching it, but it allows you to deal with it quickly and efficiently without the viral load to even be contagious. That's why an infection just makes the unvaxxed sleepy for an afternoon.
I'm almost 70, and never been sick even with a cold. However strokes run in the family...both parents died from them, both the grandparents to. I suffered a serious stroke at 60 that me with some issues. Maybe it better to get sick with a bug or virus once in awhile, idk. Just eat healthy, and take vitamin D.
Don't let it dominate you!

I followed this sage advice the best I could possibly

“Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines, all developed recently,” Trump, who was not wearing a mask, said in a video message taped at the White House and disseminated on his Twitter account.

“Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives. Don’t let that happen,”
Whit Merrifield of the KC Royals was just traded to the Toronto Blue Jays
He is or was unvaxxed unboostered and banned from entering Canada last month as a KC Royal to play ball
My body my choice
Will HE be the one to tell the Canadians how it really and truly is
My body my choice
White devil cracker poison
Never even had a cold, or the flu in all my life, and i'm almost 70. Doctors pleaded with me to get the vax. I knew a good friend that died from a reaction from the jab he received earlier in the day. Too many i know that have been vaxed are now getting sick with every bug going around. They were healthy before otherwise. I'm just glad i didn't go for it.
Never even had a cold, or the flu in all my life, and i'm almost 70. Doctors pleaded with me to get the vax. I knew a good friend that died from a reaction from the jab he received earlier in the day. Too many i know that have been vaxed are now getting sick with every bug going around. They were healthy before otherwise. I'm just glad i didn't go for it.
They have tried so hard to suppress and bury those bad reactions some have had
They have tried so hard to suppress and bury those bad reactions some have had
Yep, my friends wife currently has a law suit against the doctor that push him to get the shot, knowing he had been under treatment for heart issues in the past, but he was healthy otherwise. The cause of death was listed as heart failure....other words natural causes.
My sister-in-law just got it for a 3rd time even though she is double vaxed and boost with "natural antibodies". So much for the science.