How many miles have you walked at one time ?...


Well-Known Member
Ok, we've established how many steps you've taken today , but what's the longest distance walked in a 24 hour period, My personal best is 27 miles & was accomplished at night & began at approx. 7:00pm & I pretty much collapsed at approx. 5:00 am ....

How about you ?
I guess no one walks, so keep crawling along the bottom, you feeders....:p
From my old house to the Albertson’s was 2.5 miles. It was most flat so I had no issues walking the round trip.

That’s the longest that I know of.
hiked across the Grand Canyon in a little under eight hours....that was my best of six trips. That is about 26 miles with a bit more than two miles of elevation change. The trip was the second leg of a hike from rim to rim to rim, laying over on the north side two nights before returning to the south. Made the trip when I was about 40, and repeated it at 45.
Army Airborne Infantry. We did 25 milers every few weeks.
The most I ever recall was a little over 30 miles at one time. But that isn’t counting PT and other things. Who knows. I just know we walked and ran a lot. lol.
I rode a bmx bike 30 miles one way to get a piece of whonanny! Lol and had to ride 30 miles back with several breaks due to cramps. Does that count? Lol

Considering the objective, most likely a pass will be given, was it successful ?...

(your a lock for a pass if you did)
At least you got the whonanny.
Considering the objective, most likely a pass will be given, was it successful ?...

(your a lock for a pass if you did)

Ride 30 miles on a BMX. It would have been a sad ride home without success.
I did some 30+ mile road marches in Boot Camp.

I prefer to get them 3 or 4 at a time now.

Don't forget the 75 pound pack on your back and rough terrain. Or did you not get that added joy lol.
We strapped on packs and went up and over a mountain where we got a 30 minute break and then we went back. It was a little over 30 miles or 50 kms. Seen a lot of people throwing up and passing out.
17 miles or a bit more tracking a wounded deer that WASN'T shot by me. Opening day of deer season it ran within 20 feet of me about half an hour after sunrise, obviously shot. I chased and stalked that deer for almost 8 hours, finally catching up to it and putting it out of it's misery just before dusk.

It had been shot a few days earlier, what I call a Jersey head shot (shot in the butt, two loads of buckshot in each ham). The wounds were festering, full of pus and could be smelled from a distance. How that animal had the energy to run that long almost non stop is beyond comprehension. A head shot put him out of his misery. No meat was taken because of the long infected wounds.
Oh we had packs, but we trudged through sand to get almost anywhere. This was at Fort Dix New Jersey.
Don't forget the 75 pound pack on your back and rough terrain. Or did you not get that added joy lol.
We strapped on packs and went up and over a mountain where we got a 30 minute break and then we went back. It was a little over 30 miles or 50 kms. Seen a lot of people throwing up and passing out.