Well unfortunately the battery on Little Taco decided yesterday was a good day to die!

I was leaving work and walked out to the parking lot and got in the truck and turned the key and nothing but a buzzing sound, not a sound I particularly like to hear! I opened the hood and got out the jumper cables and tried to get someone to give me a jump, without any luck at first! I have AAA so I left the cables hooked up and got back in the truck to give them a call. While I was talking to the lady with AAA and had given her all the info she needed, she was just about to post it for a technician to come out when I guy in a Toyota Carolla pulled up next to me and asked if I needed a jump. I told him I did so we jumped it off and I told the lady to cancel it because we just got it jumped off! That guy was really impressed at how smooth Little Taco was running, I told him yeah these Toyotas will run forever and he agreed! He really liked his Carolla, he joked that you need a Toyota to get a Toyota running!
Went directly to Auto Zone and had the battery tested and it was bad, just as I suspected! So I bought a new battery and 2 new cable ends (the old ones were corroded) at about $230 by the time everything was said and done!