I had a 87 Pick up,,87 4-Runner when I was in my 20`s,,,went to Ford trucks for full size beds,,ALWAYS had Weird issues with my Fords..Purchased a New 2014 F150 stx crew cab with the coyote v-8,,,Paid Cash outright,,,--Ford gives you 3yrs,36 k warrenty,and now the story begins.. 3weeks out of the 3 yr warrenty WITH 1100 miles,,,,The 250 amp Fusiable link for the Charging system Blows and Good old Ford would do a dam thing for me,,,a OEM 35 dollar part,,,,,and its happened to many other Ford owners too,,,but Ford wont admit to it..Bought the part ,repaired it and went back to Toyota,,,, Traded and got a sweet Deal