IOWA Taco's

I suppose most of it ends up as fertilizer on the farm fields that have no levee when the flood water recedes
I curious. Just what did you think the Treatment plants did to dispose of the solids which were separated from the effluent?

Many times the dried solids are sold to fertilizer manufacturers.

The Treatment plant can't store the generous volume, nor can it be burned.
Bury it out in the backyard?
Don't pollute the rivers!
ROFLMAO.............. Umm, the rivers are already heavily polluted with chemical run-off. Fertlizers, herbicides, fungicides, dissolved chemicals, street run-off (motor oil, anti-freeze, tire rubber....)

Don't be so naive.
For someone that has spent so much time traveling the roads, and highways of this country, they sure haven't learned much thats been mentioned above.
I made it very close to the headwater of the Mississippi river
That was some clean looking water under the bridge!