I kept my fob off my key chain and it was always stuck at the bottom of my pocket. I never needed to take it out. The rubber protected it from getting beat up next to the keys, knife, and change that hangs out in that pocket as well.Wouldn't the rubber cover on the key fob make getting keys into and out of your pocket a bit of a chore? I only take my keys out of my pocket to lock the house door or open the outbuilding, not to start the truck.
Well, that's a solution that I never thought of. But then I'd have TWO things for misplace.I kept my fob off my key chain and it was always stuck at the bottom of my pocket. I never needed to take it out. The rubber protected it from getting beat up next to the keys, knife, and change that hangs out in that pocket as well.
Well, that's a solution that I never thought of. But then I'd have TWO things for misplace.