No State Left Behind...

This whole election is FUBAR.

To think these are the "best" candidates the parties can offer to the Americans they represent.

One doesn't have any policies or vision for future until told what to say, then frequently changing positions. Kinda like a hooker.
One has policies and vision for the future and wants to run over any impediment. Kinda like a guy in N. Korea eliminating any opposing views.

I do know NEITHER represent me. I'm still trying to decide if I want to waste time voting. IMHO neither are worthy of my vote.

Perhaps if a significant portion of the voting people would refuse to vote then maybe a clue would be clear as these candidates are really crappy.

I do know the media will begin to champion one or the other. The spin this year will be worse than a 2 hour ride on a Tilt-A-Whirl at the local fair.
Well I know the orangeman fairly well. I can tell you our current corrupt establishment would like nothing more than to terminate his run for president any way possible, including some republicans. He wants to rid the swamp, except they're fighting hard to rid of him. I truly believe he wants this country, and the rest the worlds mess to right itself. His ego to make this country great is not an option for failure. Its really a no brainer to vote him back, vs what we've had for the last 3 1/2 years, plus its only going to get worse if thats what your after.
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