Doesn’t force you to buy anything you just can’t have your phone out. Keep it in your pants Harvey
Cop has zero probable cause then unless your holding it up above a certain point.
I hope people fight that, itll be a nice waste of that tax money in the peoples favor when they win.
Its just stupid, if i wanna set my phone on the center console, i see no reason that is a danger to anyone.
Man i thunked Ca was tarded.
Besides, how can u call 911 about a drunk driver from ur pants pocket?
Some states and their above the law crap is just stupid and makes me wanna move further and further away from society.
Theres prolly a law about max distance from nearest neighbor in 1 or 2 states tho.
Remember when cali tried portable sniffers, stopping traffic onramps to check for polluters? Violation
Yet still has sobriety checkpoints with zero probable cause.
I was born in the wrong timeframe, gov has too much control. Nobody will stand up tho, or theres so few, so scattered, nothing hapens.
Texas here i come