Tacoma World vs Tacoma Forum

I happened to insult a mods, or an administrator's tacoma when they asked everyone what they thought how it looked. I gave my honest opinion, it sucked....only to get a lifetime ban. I'm banned from all VerticalScope owned power sport web sites also now. Found out they're one of those commie owned organizations.
At Tacomaworld those Mods could and would read PMs private messages between members somehow and find out about any negative views or restricted content thats not allowed on the normal forum for future reference for the ban hammer. This would be looked at as subversive behavior.
At Tacomaworld those Mods could and would read PMs private messages between members somehow and find out about any negative views or restricted content thats not allowed on the normal forum for future reference for the ban hammer. This would be looked at as subversive behavior.
It was the same for other VerticalScope owned web sites to, reading members private messages. They claimed they had a right to, being a privately owned company. They did me a favor giving me the boot. There's enough of this big brother's watching you already.
You know this is also a privately owned public forum and anyone can read what you’re saying
the difference here is that this forum pretty much has true freedom of thought and speech without retribution regardless, and this seems to work very well here I've noticed there is'nt any vitriol towards anyone with conservative viewpoints on many subjects other than trucks which is very refreshing. At tacomaworld they have members walking on eggshells over a harmless GIF that may upset someones progressive viewpoint on the world in general and have a temper tantrum demanding a lifetime ban on the perpetrator..
You have to admit it's pretty refreshing you can clown around more on this forum with other members without getting a mandatory vacation, if saying something derogatory about a members taco, that hurts their feelings. Imo, it is far more conservative here vs the other place.
Dec 20, 2009 at 9:52 PM



JimBeam [OP] BECAUSE INTERNETS!! Moderator

Joined: Apr 14, 2008 Member: #5966 Messages: 51,860 Gender: Male First Name: JB 2015 Tundra

Forgive me if i ramble a little bit

I joined TW in April of 2008

i'm member #5966

in 20 months since then, we've gained roughly 20K new members

that is INCREDIBLE growth

TW has a certain...atmosphere...or je nas se qoui...Out of the MANY forums i visit on a regular basis, this is the ONLY one i have broken the 1000 post count mark...which i surpassed a LONG time ago...TW has members ranging from 15 all the way to God only knows how old...We have members of every branch of Armed Forces, law enforcement, fire fighters, medics, and just about every other profession under the sun...We have members who are Christian, Jewish, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, and im sure there are many others...Bob has created, and we have, a very active community in which we all keep coming back to and enjoying...a place to BS and chit-chat...and NOT just ask questions about our trucks. This site is not geared just to offroaders, or street trucks...its open to the Tacoma community as a whole. We've always been very welcoming and open to every member that comes here unless they just absolutely give us a good reason to leave. TW is the only site i ever promote and introduce people to


I've noticed lately several things that just dont sit well with me...and i want to bring them up so that everyone can take notice

This site is what it is because of both the members and the moderators...we have a LOT of new members who join every day to find out new information about their trucks. Many people arent as well informed as some of yall out there may feel you are...or how you feel they should be. Not everyone who joins has ever been a member of a forum before, and many have never owned a truck or wanted to modify or work on a vehicle theyve owned before.

It used to be that there was a "race" so to speak between members as to who could correctly answer a post first...regardless of how many times that post had been made in the past. It's becoming more and more evident that this has fallen by the wayside in favor of posts such as

I refuse to answer your question. There is a wealth of information from
many people who couldn't use a search tool, much like you. Give it a shot!


This is a bullshit answer that will, if repeated too often, turn this site into every other toyota forum on the net. I dont care HOW many times someone asks if a tire size will fit...or where they should buy Bil. 5100s or whatever it is thats asked a million times in a million ways by half the new people that come on here...

TW has a tendancy to take threads off-topic...which i enjoy because many times, several other questions may get answered or someone else gets the help they needed. Because of this, asking...no...demanding that new users or anyone who posts a (God forbid) repeated question...is silly...a search is going to yield a bunch of us yakking about God knows what. Either answer the question, or dont post unless the question has been sufficently answered by a party who DOES know. Its not like its your server space its taking up room on...its Bob's

We're also becoming increasingly intolerant of others who think differently than us and theres an awful lot of personal attacks or attacks because of a members age. Just because I like functional offroad trucks doesnt mean i need to go berate the new guy who likes lowered show trucks...and just because a member is 16 doesnt mean he doesnt know what he's talking about.

**** THAT

im NOT saying we need to all hold hands and sing kumbayah because we're going to disagree about things...but damn guys...lets be a little more like the TW that drew us all in instead of the other sites that we dont visit as often. Do we give each other a hard time? absolutely...but lets let the members get a little more established before we start giving them one too

Keeping TW the way it was that attracted so many of us to stay and post whore is gonna be a group effort...lets work on it

If you have a problem with a post, or member...hit the little report button and send a message to a moderator

if you still want to be an asshole...feel free to join another board

this dude is really Drinking the Kool aid, he acts that Tacomaworld is the the only forum to enjoy Toyota trucks or vehicles out there
That last post reminded me to ask a question....here goes....how high can I lift my tacoma, so I can put the very biggest big ass tires that will fit under it?...and while we're at it....whats the best oil to use?