The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Gotta git ready for work.......Greg, have fun at the junk-yard.....looking forward to pics when you get them posted! Talk at ya later!
Mornin' Greg! I'd rather be doing the oil change and running to the junk-yard with you instead of working this moring! LOL Not lookin' forward to this mornin'! How's things your way this mornin'??
Just found out I have recall on the catalytic converter. Gotta get that done too!
Afternoon everyone! Work got done about 1:00........mowing and trimming is spark plugs in the Harley.......gotta clean the 1911 next.......hope the weekend is going great for everyone!
Afternoon everyone! Work got done about 1:00........mowing and trimming is spark plugs in the Harley.......gotta clean the 1911 next.......hope the weekend is going great for everyone!
wait...1911 what?
This ultimate BS THREAD is weak I know MGM and gonna track him down and let him know it too :p