the climate crisis...

Just had a snowmobile ride planned for saturday only to cancel it. Just got an email this morning trails are closed till further notice due all the rain, and warm weather. Only chance I get to take my snowmobile out of mothballs with the wife away this weekend, and mother nature screws me.:mad:
that is just plain sucky, tacoJoel
Chit happens. On to other stuff, I gotta get a contractor up here to repair a leaky baseboard hotwater pipe that slightly ruptured in my basements 4' crawl space due to the cold winter temps we had. Also still dealing with this Suzuki re5 motorcycle documentary deal I was able to postpone until the yard drys up. Im sure this collector has been waiting to be contacted, as he wants this to be aired on a local new england tv motorsports show.
60 degrees here...did a 45 minute oil change this morning on the prius. For the first time since I've lived here, getting the driveway paved. Guys should be here any hr. to grade, and compact it with lots of crushed stone.....said it has to settle for a month before they can pour the asphalt.
That's a whole nuther story EPA people got ape **** about oil in the soil ? They dump fuel oil and kerosene on the ground before the lay new asphalt which is tar and oil and gravel .my friend drives an 18 wheeler there was a landscape place that got sold and they had been dumping the waste oil in the back of the property EPA got all over it and they were charged hundreds of thousands to remove the toxic waste soil ! They delivered to the excavated soil to the Tilcon plant on Cape here and that's what they use in asphalt.
Last Friday I had my old 90' gravel driveway dug, and prepped by a local paving company. They took out one bolder that was almost the size of my taco's 6' bed, not to mention 4 other slightly smaller ones. They barely got them into their dump truck. Took several huge dump truck loads of reclaimed asphalt to fill, and compact the driveway to get it ready. Now gotta wait a couple weeks for all to settle before they can put 4'' of new asphalt on top, and we'll be done. When they did my parking lot at my shop years ago I think it was less $$$.
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Well mines 20' x a little over 90'. I only wish this was 15 years ago. At least I waited another year for asphalt to come down some....bad news is labor went up.:(