What did everyone do over the weekend

Those stop signs in the background are a nice touch.
Welcome to the world of retirement. I fully retired at 64 nearly 8 years ago. You gotta find at least one unusual project a day to keep busy.
I actually have 2 skilled trades, graduating in electrical with a couple semesters of electrical engineering at a waterbury college, but later being accepted as an apprentice at a unionize machine shop. In the meantime I raced bikes for a number of years until getting back in the electrical field as one of the oldest apprentices this local company hired on.....helps when your friends with the boss's oldest son. Learned enough to open my own business in the late 80's, till I retired. I still own my shop that I've been trying to sell, just took it off the market for a year.
I went to college with a guy from Waterbury name Jim Crooks ,he drove a green 64 Chrysler 300 4 door with a 413 and trantula dual quad intake it was stupid fast and a lot of fun, ah the good ole 80's LMAO
I took 2 semesters at waterbury state technical back in 72. It's now called the Naugatuck valley community college. I had a ratty 67 jeep at the time. Yeah even the 70's were pretty crazy. In 75 I built a 66 gto drag car that turned 12.1's at 113 mph in the quarter mile. Probably did myself a big favor selling it a couple years later. Went back to racing bikes that challenged me more.
That's when we had hair:(
My brother still has his 77 400 T/A...it's mainly been in storage since he bought it new. I think the last he told me its got around 4600 miles on it.
Gotta start preparing for the film crew coming Saturday 10 am. Not into this documentary on this old motorcycle I'm giving to this collector. I don't understand all this barn find bs that they need to make a story behind it. All I want is this boat anchor out of my shed for more room.