What have you done to your Tacoma today?

No snow at all here anymore
I wait for warmer weather for needed truck and car maintenance continuation
Woke up to the ground being all white again...just more heavy wet slop. Mother Nature must be a racist.
We are expecting an additional 1-3" today. Just got 1.8" on Thursday..... wet, heavy, slushy, freeze on contact.....just a PITA

What color would you prefer the snow to be??????

I thought only people were racist. Some more so than others. Some believe they deserve more.

In truth, once the skin is peeled off we are all the same. The mind of the individual will show the true person. I've always had a tendency to give everyone equal billing. Although, if a person proves themself to be an a55hole, then they are an a55hole through and through.
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We are expecting an additional 1-3" today. Just got 1.8" on Thursday..... wet, heavy, slushy, freeze on contact.....just a PITA

What color would you prefer the snow to be??????

I thought only people were racist. Some more so than others. Some believe they deserve more.

In truth, once the skin is peeled off we are all the same. The mind of the individual will show the true person. I've always had a tendency to give everyone equal billing. Although, if a person proves themself to be an a55hole, then they are an a55hole through and through.
The woke crowd claims anything can be racist. I've seen yellow snow, but that's another issue.
I've come to the conclusion the "woke crowd" is mostly close-minded, myopic and heavily racist.

My dog makes snow yellow on a daily basis with the occasional brown spot.
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Today, I'm watching my Tacoma collect more snow in the bed.

Meanwhile, I'll be in my workshop working on some honey-do projects for LOML. I'll dig out tomorrow.
Today, I'm watching my Tacoma collect more snow in the bed.

Meanwhile, I'll be in my workshop working on some honey-do projects for LOML. I'll dig out tomorrow.
If anything like here, snows all melted away tonight. Like it never happened.
Snow has quit......now the plows are out shoving the road pack into the driveway and plugging the storm drains. Be using a shovel tomorrow. yaaay.
Yesterday morning there was about an 1'' of slush on the roads, but didn't keep these dumb ass town plow drivers from plowing the roads. Should have seen the shower of sparks those plows were throwing.
We have been blessed with 4+ inches of wet heavy snow.

Temperature is just below 32F. So, this creates a mix of ice, slush, snow, water. A real PITA to clear.