Whats the price of a Gallon of Regular gas where your at?

If you're looking for just cheap fuel, there's gas stations out there for under $3 a gallon, but I've been trying to stick with a top tier brand as toyota states for my truck. These direct fuel injected engines are kind of choosy what they drink.
shell station round here is 272c for the 87
comparable to the BP Amoco
I wish top tier gasoline was that price here. I guess it could be closer, except the dems can't part with the states additional 25 cent excise tax per gal. they get from it.
I wish top tier gasoline was that price here. I guess it could be closer, except the dems can't part with the states additional 25 cent excise tax per gal. they get from it.
that EXXON is inner city station the price usually reflects what the cost of living is in the area, also there is a 7-11 station near by and they have a price war going on i flip flop between who has the cheaper price their pain is my gain so to speak