Word association

I host an annual Canada day party ( July 1st) and it has grown from my first one being only about 40 people, to last years 170-180 people. Good times...good times...the morning after last year's party, I went downstairs and found some random girl I didn't know asleep on my cold concrete basement floor amongst a pool of puke. Woke her up, cleaned her up, told her to go shower and put on my robe to wear while I washed her clothes, then I drove her home since her bf ditched her there. I knew her bf and told him that was so not cool and to stop being a prick.

I host an annual Canada day party ( July 1st) and it has grown from my first one being only about 40 people, to last years 170-180 people. Good times...good times...the morning after last year's party, I went downstairs and found some random girl I didn't know asleep on my cold concrete basement floor amongst a pool of puke. Woke her up, cleaned her up, told her to go shower and put on my robe to wear while I washed her clothes, then I drove her home since her bf ditched her there. I knew her bf and told him that was so not cool and to stop being a prick.

Those are awesome Canada Day parties you hold. They're huge! What a blast! You are are fine and very considerate host - I'm not at all surprised. :)The guest must have appreciated your help and understanding. Excellent message delivered to her bf too!


Thanks Backroader.
Some guys have no clue how to treat a lady! I was raised a lot by my grandmother and grandfather. I was raised to respect women, and if my grandfather ever saw me disrespect one I am certain that I would have gotten a good whoopin from his belt.
