Need help finding the right tire pressure

Also keep an eye on your tread wear after you’ve got them to the pressure you want. Make sure they’re wearing even.
Uneven middle wear= too much air. Uneven side wear= not enough.
Also keep an eye on your tread wear after you’ve got them to the pressure you want. Make sure they’re wearing even.
Uneven middle wear= too much air. Uneven side wear= not enough.
Also keep an eye on your tread wear after you’ve got them to the pressure you want. Make sure they’re wearing even.
Uneven middle wear= too much air. Uneven side wear= not enough.
Also keep an eye on your tread wear after you’ve got them to the pressure you want. Make sure they’re wearing even.
Uneven middle wear= too much air. Uneven side wear= not enough.
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