The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

I've been forgetting to play the shell Sunday spin-to-win for many weeks now
That changes today, see what do I win :confused:

It's court day today at 2 pm with the cities mayor, and all the state environmental lawyers. I suspect they're trying to force me into getting a phase 2. I recently told them my building is no longer available on the market for sale. That really pissed off the mayor. They needed it bad for the cities homeless, and migrants piling into the city, thinking they had a done deal. Now even these local church pastors are not happy with me. Too bad.
She's been in a pissing contest with my lawyer, and me for months now trying to get that property, except when the mayor receives state grants to buy it, the law requires a phase 2 be done. We just informed her, it's off the market. My new lawyer has already told me he's getting tired of her taking him behind the woodshed on this matter, and wants this to all go away.