
Joel, this 2023 not 1953. Try it, you might like it. Just my 2¢.
Thats what's ruining this country...spending time on video games, and taking worthless pics. One should be out there playing real sports, and tending real gardens like our parents, and grand parents did. Sorry for the rant, but its the truth.
there is an absence of flies swarming and buzzing on King Brandon's Empty fall garden
It Must be too cold for them to come out and feast on the deadness
Just made a fresh apple slab pie thats currently cooking. Nothing like using your own northern spy apples right off the tree in your yard. Smells sooo good.
Brandon's Empty garden for the fall has reached full saturation
Additional nourishment now spills over downslope :confused:
the leaves are starting to fall upon Brandon's empty fall garden
smothering it.
still nourishing it, though...

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for the past month Brandon's empty winter garden has had a fine blanket of snow covering it
it is now slowly melting away...
to a muddy mess

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late spring 2o24...

brandon's empty garden is at FULL saturation, since it has been raining heavy dog every other day this month
not much room for a good soaking
and let the stench of rott nourish

buzzards gotta eat...
Garden's coming along nicely....just winding down on consuming fresh chard, and lettuce. Looks to be another good summer for tomatoes, and peppers as some varieties aren't far from being picked. Even got some corn thats growing like weeds.
The crows have been well fed. They get a steady diet of chipmunks, and rats.
I've got a bumper crop of grass awns. aka foxtail seeds.

Guaranteed to penetrate any pet's skin. These are very fond of lodging between the paw pads.
Every walk the dog's legs, pads, butt, ears, muzzle all get inspected any awn found gets removed.

I average 4-15 awns after each walk. Been to the vet to get one removed from between his toes, cost $300.
Picked some Hungarian hot wax peppers from the garden, and roasted them on the grill to use on a turkey sandwich for my lunch. They're not as hot as last summer. I think all the rain we've had made a difference, but they still taste good.
Had some broccoli , grilled fresh peppers from the garden, with sirloin steak tips, and fries for lunch today. Some peppers are like rocket fuel.
Been wondering why my next door neighbor has been so protective of their far backyard. Now I know. They have several large dense plants of the weed variety over 5' high that i can now see from my yard.
On another note, been eating some yellow tomatoes that have recently ripened. They are awesome as usual. Gotta cook up some broccoli, and peppers for lunch to go with some catfish fillets I bought this morning.
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