Nebraska Taco's where you at???...

Cops will be on the lookout for a person as such, or one that does nothing by crisscross the country aimlessly, always on the move. Jay....are you getting that?
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You wheel when going off-road, or work a wheelbarrow . You drive when on asphalt. Don't be an embarrassment to the 4wd crew.
the roads and bridges most everywhere are so roached that it is basically OFF-ROAD. hence the wheel...

the only 'decent' hard-surfaced roads it seems are those in the southEast
That is not off road. Don't be a Brandon. Besides try running the right tire air pressure your truck calls for, or buy an awd car. You don't need a 4wd truck for what your doing.
need that 4x4 in the winter time
when there USED to be plenty of that white snowy...
stuff is transported in the open bed as needid... ... ...
BS, seen these front wheel drive, and awd vehicles do just fine throughout the winter, and way cheaper to own, and operate than my taco. Our prius does great on snowy roads. Its when its a foot deep your screwed, but thats not very common anymore around here. I can't tow my 5x10 utility trailer with the prius either, or carry larger loads, but thats why I have a truck. If you do none of that several times throughout the year, there's no need to have a 4wd's just a waste of money.
Well if your only using a 4wd truck for asphalt use, like a sedan, its counterproductive to own one unless your one of those guys that needs to make a statement.
before the truck the lawn mower had to be fitted into an old 'rolla hatchBack
that was just dumb...
You don't need a truck to carry a lawnmower....thats even dumber, unless it's a lawn tractor, or your peddling multiple mowers to sell. My lawn tractor barely fits in the bed of my truck.
how do U fit a lawnmower in a trunk of a car?
you definitely DO need a truck bed to haul a lawnmower properly
I can easily put a 21'' mower in our prius with room to spare. Even most small suv's have room to carry a simple lawnmower. As far as cars with trunks, no some you can't put a mower in them. You'd need a small trailer.
Your reason for carrying a lawnmower is because you want to drive a truck, not that you really need one. Besides how often do you carry a mower?
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Prius has a hatch that opens completely up, plus you're able to fold the rear seat down for over 5' of total room. There's enough room to carry a large flat screen tv. It's pretty amazing how much stuff you can put in that car. Some companies use them as service vehicles cause they're cheap to own, and operate.
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Husker Taco with county 20 plates spotted wheelin' it on i80 east just after crossing the platte IMG_2481.JPG


Been hearing your truck isn't torquing very's getting roached out like the one in the above pic.

dangerous SPEED BUMP in the middle of i80 east under the route 75 Finally FIXED after what seems like weeks+
o_O o_O o_O
how Many low-profile vehicles have hit that and scraped the underside ???
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Years ago I went for ride in a buddies lambo diablo. Freaking car hit the bottom coming out of the parking lot.