Oil change

Geee, let me take a guess....I'll bet it's from some blow-by/combustion gas's getting past the rings that accumulate in the crankcase. If you've ever heard of a pcv valve, thats what its for.
As engines get more, and more tired, you'll see way more of this, along with poorer performance.
All engines have blow-by to some degree....just the nature of the beast. When the pcv valve works correctly on a healthy engine, it shouldn't be seen, or at least hardly noticed.
I'm confused I thought you bought a new gen4, by the video's you've been posting, or did you actually get a gen3? We'd all like to know which.
Doesn't explain why you're posting videos of these gen3, and 4 taco's, unless you bought one to learn how to maintain one. Usually thats what one does that already has one. I haven't read a post from anyone else asking about this stuff either that would need to know.