Oil change

Geee, let me take a guess....I'll bet it's from some blow-by/combustion gas's getting past the rings that accumulate in the crankcase. If you've ever heard of a pcv valve, thats what its for.
As engines get more, and more tired, you'll see way more of this, along with poorer performance.
All engines have blow-by to some degree....just the nature of the beast. When the pcv valve works correctly on a healthy engine, it shouldn't be seen, or at least hardly noticed.
I'm confused I thought you bought a new gen4, by the video's you've been posting, or did you actually get a gen3? We'd all like to know which.
Doesn't explain why you're posting videos of these gen3, and 4 taco's, unless you bought one to learn how to maintain one. Usually thats what one does that already has one. I haven't read a post from anyone else asking about this stuff either that would need to know.
Depends on time of year. I can usually get mobil1 extended service delivered to my door in 5 qt jugs for close to the same price, plus mobil1 is made by Exxon the makers of toyota oil. Been staying with what the dealer here used during toyotacare.
Classic example when you use a cheap motor oil, or this is one of those poorly engineered sludge engines. You'll never see that doing 10k oil changes with a known top brand synthetic motor oil.
Thats already been brought up a little while back by me if you'd paid attention. Some engines its impossible where/how the filter is located. On toyotas 3.5 v6 the filter should be pre-filled.