Say nothing, Do nothing, Be nothing...

And yet......shoplifting, burglary, assaults, car unchecked and people complain about the increase in crime. Go figure.....
They don't realize the Big Box stores are covering the losses with increasing shelf price. They certainly are not going to eat the loss.

This is also a component of the ever rising prices.
Actually forum members come here to be entertained. You just can't get that on those other taco forums.
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Ron DeSantis says Republicans nominating Donald Trump in 2024 is 'high risk' with a 'low reward'​

Story by Ken Tran, USA TODAY • 21h
Lyin or lion ted Cruz
That is who
Thats who I had thought you mean't but your wrong again. He tells it like it is, rather than what you want to hear. I can't believe how many low information people are in this country that know what's really true about current news events, but know everything there is to know, when you ask them about a music, sports. or tv star.
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Old news. Saw the story on that last week. Those cops should have never been found guilty, plus it was just an excuse for these marxist agitators to cause riots, and burn down cities.
Most of the media along with these socialist/ marxist politicians are corrupt, and will never admit the real truth, if it doesn't fit their narrative.
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there is plenty more to be said beneath those covers...

praises to then Gov. Pete Ricketts, now a US Senator
If Brandon gets 4 more years the legal US citizen will be found to be in the minority population :confused:

Chris Christie says Donald Trump 'acts like someone who wants to be a dictator' ahead of 2024​
