Say nothing, Do nothing, Be nothing...

What else do expect from christe to bs about? Orangeman is killing him in the polls. Everyone is trying to take the orangeman down, yet his poll numbers keep going up. All the others talk a good game like orangeman, but I'd rather get the authentic one.

Gov. Whitman "There isn't a Republican party, there's a cult around Trump"

Conservatives are sounding the alarm that a Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable if the twice-impeached former president wins the job back in 2024. Basil Smikle and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman join Jonathan Capehart to discuss the alarming possibility
People that watch those marxist views from msnbc, and cnn become like sheep. People need to wake up, those news organizations, and like the new york times hate this country.
All will be fine. Our dementia addled leader is pushing another $100B to "aid" the cesspool in Ukraine and Israel.

Soon we will need to file Chapter 11 as a country.
At least I heard interest rates, and inflation will drop by the 1st quarter of next year.
If you want my opinion, were headed for a nasty recession in the next few months.
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They're dropping off these migrants just a few miles south of the city where my shop is located. These migrants then filter north into town with a busload of them every few days. There's tent cities popping up just around the outskirts of town. The mayor is looking for more buildings to house them in.
It's going to take orangeman, and only the orangeman to fix this issue.
I know. If they really cared, there would have been way more pressure put on brandon to fix the border, or at least put back what the orangeman did.
Why is the current reversal on the border situation a surprise?

Y'all knew this was going to spin out of control until election time. Now, they are trying to spin it in their favor.

The ugly reality is the public isn't lapping up the rhetoric and spin nonsense.

I predict neither current nor past POTUS will win the election. The voters are fed up with the BS.
Orangeman claims he will be the dictator but only on day one and then no more