Say nothing, Do nothing, Be nothing...

Last heard, brandon was taking a snooze on the beach for the last 2 weeks....says he will return on the job after labor day. Barry says he's been running the ship for the last 3 1/2 years, and even last month while brandon still remains mia. Barry says he'll continue to fill in for kamala, and brandon when they hit the road next month on the campaign trail doing rallies......and thats how Barry got his 3rd term.
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Will she go done in flames tuesday night?....been prepping all week. Orangeman says ''whats prep'' when asked.....orangeman don't need no prep.
why do All my neighbors seem to support these domestic terrorists with their BS yard signs
are they ignorant uneducated or what?
My guess is low information folks that vote like that. They are tune in on the fake media which can be up to 90%. They will brainwash, and gaslight you to think as they do. You have to be able to do your own critical thinking, and not be another useful idiot of theirs.
Eat more cats, and dogs. Poor orangeman, he was like a big hungry catfish that took kamala's, and abc's bait last night. All I got out of it were a lot of bs from a pre-programed kamala robot that was successful getting under orangeman's skin.
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Orangeman walked into an ambush by the abc moderators. He needs the next debate to be done fairly, hopefully by fox. They won't let kamala lie her ass off like the abc mods did without being fact checked.
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Orangeman says no more debates. He doesn't want 3 against 1 anymore, unless done by Fox. Kamala is too scared to agree of doing a debate on Fox.