Tacoma World vs Tacoma Forum

its their nature anyways...

there is a new book coming out soon that will explain it all 2 U
the Gen1 section at that racket has become borderline reTard

still it is better than it is here :confused: by leaps and bounds
Oh yeah that’s another word tw gets a twist over. I described managers at a former work place as retodded. You guessed it shunned and ridiculed.
the Gen1 section at that racket has become borderline reTard

still it is better than it is here :confused: by leaps and bounds
Gen3 forum has some threads that are beauties too. It's basically the same 5 questions that get repeated, and repeated....how high should I lift my truck? What's the biggest ass tires that I can put on my truck? What brand oil should I use? When should I change my oil? Why is my fuel milage so poor?
Why would they care about that? It makes absolutely no sense!
Obviously I was targeted as an individual lacking the proper social skills needed to describe my employer/ employee status.
By using an offensive term that is only offensive to people who think words are bad.
I can honestly say, if I were mentally insufficient. I wouldn’t give a flying Fvck about the word retard. I’d have enough problems
Well, I guess tw has a new twist now, instead of outright banning one, I've been censored on a couple threads when I posted something that didn't agree with what you're suppose to say according to the mass's. No bad language, or anything as such. I had my last laugh this morning when the op of the thread finally admitted what I was saying all along was 100% true.
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Well, I guess tw has a new twist now, instead of outright banning one, I've been censored on a couple threads when I posted something that didn't agree with what you're suppose to say according to the mass's. No bad language, or anything as such. I had my last laugh this morning when the the op of the thread finally admitted what I was saying all along was 100% true.
I can relate. That forum is 100% leftist. There is zero doubt in my mind.