The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

oh no oh no o_O
i just crossed this bridge on Saturday going back across Missouri up to and through St Louis
now its gunna be closed for a year for repairs

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Got word tonight a cousin of mine in north Kansas died the other day from too much alcohol
His brother said he drank himself to death
So my uncle has lost 2 children in the past 10 years to substance abuse
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the MtnDew truck does not get around much here! I don't know where their plant is, probably far away and have to long-haul the liquid candy in
Today turned out to be a fine day. I loaded up my tacoma with a bunch of scrap copper from my shop, and drove to liberty recycling to get it weighed, and paid. Came back with $192 samoleon's, enough to fill up the truck, and myself for awhile.
so i wish i could rate my own service on the DiY entries within the carFax garage