The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Well, it finally happened, I got burned on a solar battery charger purchase from a seller on eBay. This must be the sellers first big sale. They never properly double boxed this solar panel charger, or even use some sort of protective packing like bubble wrap to ship it. You can take 3 guess's how it showed up, and the 1st two don't count.
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Depends on the amp hrs., and type of battery it contains, plus some types of these built in chargers just work slower. Actually it's probably a good thing it does that charges will kill battery life sooner. I have an oral B rechargeable tooth brush that takes several hrs. to recharge when it fully runs down, but its been good for several years...only needing new brush tips.
Once upon a time ago, I would make the run from Ames, IA to San Antonio, TX in one day. I don't recall the mileage, but seems like the 1100 mile range.

The hardest and longest run was when my Father was passing. Madison, WI to San Antonio, TX in one day, 1300 miles
It's why I live in the very nw corner of the state with the berkshire's to my north, and the taconic's to my west. When you have democratic governors, and democratic mayors running the state, and cities forever, this what you end up with. You thinking of settling down in one of these cities? Torrington is where I grew up, and still have my shop. Its gotten a lot worse since the 80's.
Worse place is north end of hartford. You're likely to hear gun shots at anytime of the day. Back in the day I picked up supplies for my boss at a warehouse's there. You could always hear shots being fired up the road. That neighborhood was about as rough as any. Once back on the road you didn't stop for anything.
The upside of the state is we have some of the best pizzeria's in america.
Nice cold sunny day for a change. Cracked open a bottle of my home brewed pomegranate cranberry wine to go with a chicken dinner today. I think I cooked it with too much sugar. This stuff is a bit high proof for a wine.
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If you need any washer fluid, just stop at any convenience store, or a big box store. Heck even grocery stores, and hardware stores sell it. And you don't need to pay double the price tor the toyota name.