The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Years ago this farmer use let his sheep roam on the gas pipeline in western ma. where we rode our bikes on trail rides. Those sheep stink bad when you come up on them. They run pretty good to.
On another note it still raining like all a tiny bit of water down in my basement crawl space. If it were last summer raining this it'd be flooded.
is that why it is so HOTT here in the Central USA?
temps for the rest of the remaining year look to be in the 50s and barely into the 20s overnight
it supposed to be 55 degrees :oops: in Des Moines Iowa on Christmas day

very odd weather that is not normal at all for here
It's at least 60 degrees outside right now...all my house windows have fogged up. I hear some sirens outside at the moment. Friggin brook here has over flowed its banks.
68 degrees...gotta be a record for december.
Had a doctors appointment in a nearby city this noon. A drainage pipe must of ruptured by the old rt8 highway while driving back home. Nearly wrecked, hitting a wall of 2 feet deep water at 50 mph, as the truck went sideways doing a 180. Just missed another suv coming from the opposite direction that saw the whole thing unfold, as they jammed on their brakes. Practically flooded out my truck sailing though that water. Other driver then crawled through it looking white as a ghost.
Btw, my co2 lifejacket is armed, and ready.

do you have any pics of that, tacojoel?

your taco did not get any flood damage did it?
Was a bit worried as the engine had a sputter with little power for a few seconds till once back on asphalt. Truck seem ok once that cleared up for the rest of the ride home. I think my exhaust pipe got plugged with water, as the truck sailed backwards through the water, till it all blew out.
What a friggin mess yesterday was. I got a call from my brother he was in a good accident with his wife over in Hartford ct. Apparently the other driver ran through an intersection on red hitting my brothers rave4 nearly head-on. She claimed to him as they were waiting for tow tucks, and police the gps on her phone quit. While she was fussing with the phone, she didn't see her light turned red. At any rate I saw my brother, and his wife's phone pics of the accident after driving 60 miles to go pick them up in the taco. Took me nearly 4 hrs to cover 60 miles running into backed up traffic from all the closed highways, rerouting due to storm damage. Finally got there at nearly 7 pm after starting off around 3 pm. Everybody from the crash was shaken up, I was told, but otherwise ok. Stuffed my brother in the access cab seats which beggars can't be choosy while his wife rode up front. Didn't get back till 10 pm last night.
Looking at the pics of his rave4, it might get totaled. He had it towed by a Hartford company to their shops impound yard. I guess he's gotta wait till the insurance companies get involved now.
its good there were no serious bodily injuries!

fussing with the broken GPS!?
in the pouring rain
no parking lots to pull off the road into and get it worked out?
Who knows what gets into some folks minds when they depend on this electronic stuff too much. I would guess my brother, and his wife are a bit sore today in more ways than one. I can tell you, he just got that vehicle...I don't think there was 1k miles on it yet.