The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

This was in the city....streets were posted between 25-35 mph when I was driving my taco to pick him up, so I guess 25 mph, or so was about the speed of the accident.
My brother just called me to say the insurance adjuster estimated his rave4 damage around $25k excluding any unforeseen hidden damage. I guess it's going to be repaired. I would guess this will take a few weeks.
Air bags were deployed. Insurance company adjuster wants it repaired based on the newness of the vehicle.
He's having it brought back to a toyota auto body shop where he bought the vehicle from today.
To get the same hybrid rave4 with all his has, it'd be over $40k. The passenger side of the vehicle looked ok. The damage was from a 1/3 of the vehicles front to the driver door that had buckled. Looks like everything on that side of the engine got pushed back, while snapping off the cv axle. The wheel, and cv joint were laying apart from the rest of the suv in the road.
what is his plans?
get it fixed and then trade it in for an undamaged and eat a major chunk of depreciation?
i could see this type of autoinjury and repair knocking the car resale value down over 10k USD over and abouve the normal depreciation rate
The insurance company is basically dictating him to repair it to the point it's as if it never happened, He'll just accept it as it was new, and drive big drama. In the meantime, he's probably not going to be thrilled with whatever they give him for a rental.
? this will be reported on the carFax history as MAJOR damage,
if he intends to keep the car until the wheels literally fall off then real no biggie i would think
but! there is always a but...

come trade-in or resell time in 5,10,15 years (whatever the current trend is) there could be some major issues unloading it for a fair price when that major damage report pops up, or so i would think to be the case
but i really know not a thing about any of this :confused:
All he told me a couple weeks ago, the dealer made him a great offer to trade in his 2020 rave4 for this newest one. I don't think he's too worried either way about any loss's it'll be. He's better off than I am.
Ya know......not everything you pour into a Toyota needs to be Toyota branded.

A Toyota won't blow up or suddenly quit running when using a non-Toyota branded product.

But if you got money to throw into the wind....... There are probably a few border jumpers who would welcome some US cash.

Sorry.....going back a couple pages on the Toyota branded windshield fluid............ Last few days have been hectic.
Most of the aftermarket fluids for these taco's need not be specific. Only the transmission if an auto when doing those drain, and refills I learned the hard way that they should be only toyota brand. These gen3 transfer cases are super fussy if living in a cold climate where they require the toyota transfer case fluid. Red line can also be used, but there's not much else.
Heck, I swear if toyota manufactured tires with their name on them, some would only buy them.