The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

its now -7*F
gotta go out and see what they done on the main roadways

magnesium chloride sounds like potent stuff

Went out for a casual wheel
Not a lick of sand found anywhere
All roads covered with snowpack with slick high traffic intersections
You could see pavement on the interstate but blowing snow still messies the outer lanes to sketch
go stick your barehand in the snowpile and pull it out

stinging and numbing frostbite will start happening in mere minutes in the wind
its 23 degrees above zero*F in Quebec City Canada
38 degrees warmer!
Usually all of Quebec's temps are listed in centigrade, but when they get to zero degrees, and below...the numbers are the same.
Last couple hrs its gotten cooler, and clouded up with flurries.
gotta go out for a quik wheel around and see if they at least put sand in these intersections to provide some grippy

sheets of packed snow turn slippery once the dummies plow off the nice traction of crumply snow
more drama...
This here definite come in the handy out in the bitter cold
picked it up at a dealer way up north Wisconsin on lake superior a few little years ago

Out for a frigid wheel around and I pick up some chemicals they are using to de-ice the far right lanes on the freeway for the trucks and some select in-town roads. But not widespread used and neither is any sand
Potent stuff at -10*F
It is near to the muffler area, though

Usually all of Quebec's temps are listed in centigrade, but when they get to zero degrees, and below...the numbers are the same.
Last couple hrs its gotten cooler, and clouded up with flurries.
Not true.

Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperatures are only equal at -40