The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Was out in my backyard picking fresh blueberries to make some blueberry muffins for lunch, when I got a visit from mr black bear, wearing 2 red ear tags, and a collar with a transmitter that wanted them berries to. I went over to my shed, and pulled out my trusty wrist rocket sling shot. I did a 10 yard stare down saying ''bear, do you feel lucky, well, do ya punk?'' We stared each other down for almost minute before bear conceded ''you win,'' and then went stage left heading in the bird ladies yard next door. Wife, and other neighbor that watched the whole thing thought I had a screw loose to mess with a 300 lb+ bear.
Were ok then. Been scaring off the blue jays, and cat birds that want those berries as much as I do. I gotta get a bunch of new netting in the future.
Btw, been getting reports you've been whining steady on tw your 6 figure gen1 is slowing crapping out. Time you gave us a report on your new gen4 you keep bragging about. We've seen enough video's, How about your own take?
I met with the owner of a turbo engineering, and development firm that designs aftermarket turbos, chips, and rebuilds all factory vehicle turbos. He claims all future ice's for the automotive industry with have small powerful turbo getting away from it. They do all the tuning for the use of their street turbo's, so it's basically plug, and play. They also design large turbo's for full race applications. He says they want to expand asking to look through my building thats still for sale. This morning I gave them the tour, so well see how it goes.