I will never trust cops again

Hey Bart Star it's okay to bash police officers it's just not okay to talk politics or religion. Maybe I'm wrong about religion. I think Nathan said he would pray for somebody and some little twit got his ass on his shoulders over it. Nathan handled it very diplomatically.

I don't understand why MGMTacolover hates cops so much but it is pretty obvious
I carry my own guns with me since I don't need others protecting me and you need to realize that not everyone likes cops as much you do. Some people have bad experience and you probably get off because your wife is one. Oh and another thing read some history on this country you would find we were founded upon mistrust of government not subservience.

Agreed! I carry and was trained in sharpshooting & will protect myself and family as it is legal to do so since the Supreme Court has ruled that Police are not there to protect you. Only to investigate a crime and arrest criminals. This has been law for over 30 yrs now. If an officer chooses to protect you that is his choice, he is not legally bound to.



Guys....like any other trade or profession anyone can think of, there's good cops....and there are bad ones too. Just like there are good welders and s**tty ones. Some go above and beyond, and some go out of their way to make sure you have a bad day. I've crossed paths with both in my 33 years. For the most part cops have a job to do and for the most part they do it pretty well, and wont bust your balls if you dont give them a reason to. I cant even call the cops that arrested me the one time i have been *******s, they treated me well for the 3 hours i was there.
If the Courts say Cops don't protect, then DUI checkpoints are illegal?
They are illegal in 12 States.

Guys....like any other trade or profession anyone can think of, there's good cops....and there are bad ones too. Just like there are good welders and s**tty ones. Some go above and beyond, and some go out of their way to make sure you have a bad day. I've crossed paths with both in my 33 years. For the most part cops have a job to do and for the most part they do it pretty well, and wont bust your balls if you dont give them a reason to. I cant even call the cops that arrested me the one time i have been *******s, they treated me well for the 3 hours i was there.

Hella, be careful, I wrote the same thing about cops and got accused by a certain member of hating all cops which since that person wrote it in a public forum is Defamation.
I have never written that I hate cops, all I have done was point out that not all are good with a source.

Rhode island is one of them.

I know, im treading into uncharted waters with that statement but after all the banter in this thread I had to throw my 2 cents in...i like to think of it as a realist's view.
I was driving down the road today and I got behind this car who seemed very drunk swerving left to right, then going fast, then slow. Stopping 5 car lenghts back from the car in front of him at a stop light. Then the light turned green and the speed limit was 50mph, well this dipwit was going 35, and swerving very badly. If a cop would have been behind him he would have most definitely been pulled over. So I got very concerned so I pulled up next to this dip****, inconsiderate asswipe, cuz I wanted to see what this guy thought was SO important that he'd rather get in a accident than pay attention to where he was driving, well when I looked over at this guy with a concerned look about me, I see him messing with his phone trying to get out a text message, so I tried to take a picture of this dip**** texting while he was driving, and this guy almost swerved into my taco! Awe man, I was pissed! Seeing this kinda **** really makes you wonder where the police are when you really need them, right?

Well I'll tell you where the police were at, this dip**** that I followed for about 8 miles, whom I seen almost wipe out 9 other cars not including mine. This guy who was being SO inconsiderate to all the other drivers out on the road, cuz he thought it was SO much more important to send this text rather than watch where he was going, THIS WAS A COP, A.K.A AMERICA'S FINEST. You wonder where all the police are at a time like this? Right there in front of me running people off the road, swerving, cutting off women driving with their children!! I've seen this more times than just this once too! You ask me if I respect police officers, yeah, I do, but only a very few. Cops ain't NO different than your prick nextdoor neighbor, you know, the one who is ALWAYS getting into your business rather than just worrying about his own! Ain't NO different than the guy who's speeding down the road and just cut you off, just so he could make that red light! NO, the only difference is, is that they wear a badge and a gun. And you wanna know what's worse, their ALLOWED to do all this bull**** that none of us here are allowed to do. They are above the law. So please, stop with all the Captain America bullcrap! I'm tired of hearing that any one cop is different than all the rest. Yeah, cops come to the rescue SOMETIMES when you need them, BUT, that's what they are PAID to do, and TRUST ME, those same people WOULD NOT be there if they weren't getting paid! So save us all the Captain America pledge, and do your freaking jobs! You guys want my respect, well stop worrying about whether or not I'm using my turn signal to change lanes, and stop those drug dealers from giving those drugs to my, and a lot of other people's children!!! The freaking nerve of people. SMH

And I really don't care if you like, or agree with what I said here. I won't even say "i told you so" when a COP has you pulled over for going 11 miles an hour over the speed limit, and while your on the side of the road looking at the other cars pass you by and you see that other guy driving by taking a swig of his beer only to cause a head-on collision killing a family! And that cop should have been worrying about that guy drinking while driving, and that family he just killed would still be here!

Hey sniperkill, this wasn't what you were talking about was it?

Wichita driver snaps pic of cop texting and driving

Read more: http://www.kshb.com/dpp/news/state/...-pic-of-cop-texting-and-driving#ixzz2fkvgZLID


Still have them in Pa.

We have them here as well. However, I don't mind if they do. I don't drink or do drugs so doesn't bother me if I have to stop at one. I would rather see them get the drunks off the road than seeing one smash into a car of innocent folks.

That is what police are suppose to do, protect the public interest, not any one individual. Enforce State & City laws, investigate crime & prevent it. It's a highly stressful job.
the cops here do a damn good job...u act like an ass@!!! on the roads then u deserve to get your ass pulled over.
I don't drink and drive either, but I believe it's harassment for me to have to stop at one anyway. As long as I'm obeying the law, leave me the hell alone.