How often do you park beside another Tacoma….

So I departed New Mexico this morning and made it back to Denton County. I found this little Toyota truck in the Walmart parking lot. My guess is it's a 1989-1992. You can tell he's been around a while but it's still road worthy. How funny the exhaust pipe is on the driver's side just like the new 2024 models. I wonder why….


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So I departed New Mexico this morning and made it back to Denton County. I found this little Toyota truck in the Walmart parking lot. My guess is it's a 1989-1992. You can tell he's been around a while but it's still road worthy. How funny the exhaust pipe is on the driver's side just like the new 2024 models. I wonder why….
It's definitely showing its age but it appears to still have a lot of life left in it!
I had no idea you were for UPS. The news said today that teh workers have the advantage over managment as they worked through the pandemic and the last time UPS workers striked on 1997 they were doing 15 million pagaes a day. Now it's over a hundred million ! Put the AC in the trucks. Come on man….
I know a few guys who were there during the 1997 strike! They all said it lasted about 2 weeks! One guy in particular told me he was doing odd jobs, yard work etc.during the strike to try to make some money! He said one time he was trimming this guy's hedges and got into some poison ivy! He said it was the worst case of poison ivy he's ever had!
I can't wait for a good snowy winter.
i also like a serious ice-cold winter with sub-zero temps in fahrenheit

with a cool frigid breeze now and then to accentuate the winter chill

it hasn't been snowy much here for at least 3 seasons since the BIG flood
i also like a serious ice-cold winter with sub-zero temps in fahrenheit

with a cool frigid breeze now and then to accentuate the winter chill

it hasn't been snowy much here for at least 3 seasons since the BIG flood
Well to be honest, I can do without the severe cold the winter can bring. When it was -15 one morning last winter the cold killed my favorite blueberry bush I had growing nicely for the past 2 seasons. The small bush, when I got it from the nursery, claimed it would handle -20 temps. Wrong!
It could be some weird taped though! Because that haze is bad! Probably can't see much at night
How does it pass state inspection like that!?
No tape. Those lights were hazy hazy hazy. Not sure how they pass inspection in Virginia. Maybe has an inspection hook up.
Might have an inspection hook up maybe. I had a car fail inspection for that once when I lived in Virginia
I used to do state inspection for a guy I worked for here in Texas, that would definitely fail! But still if it's the inspector's friend's vehicle or something they can still pass it! My uncle was a mechanic and he told me about a guy he worked for back in the '70s, one of his jobs was state inspection! Anyhow he said his boss's friend brought his car in for inspection one day and the tires were completely bald! My uncle was gonna fail it but his boss told him to go ahead and pass it because it was his friend! The next morning a state trooper showed up at the shop looking for my uncle, he asked him about the car with the bad tires that he had put the sticker on the day before! My uncle told him that his boss told him to put the sticker on the car so the trooper called the boss over and told him not to do that again because it cause my uncle to lose his license!
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