needing a new MT clutch procedure

You only need to worry about that stuff if you install an aftermarket clutch.
C'mon Joel. You know he won't replace the clutch until it falls out on the ground. His primary interest is reaching 400 Kmiles while snooping under stranger's trucks taking pictures.
intresting developments...

1st observation
throwing the stick into 2nd gear is better than ever... in the past few years it has been a very sticky throw but now it is smooth and silky, the stick used to make a clunk but now i no longer notice it

2nd observation
3rd gear throw can be a little tricky at times, especially when its all hot out

3rd observation...

stopped at the fueling station yesterday to clean windshield and left the truck running
the clutch bearing was making a racket so i reached down with my hand on the 3rd pedal and gently pushed it until the chatter stopped
well well well
the pedal whilst in my hand and pressed not more than 1/2 inch to engage started to gently vibrate in my hand i could definitely feel it vibrating
this definitely must not be normal

i ordered most of the parts for this clutch 9 weeks ago on the July 4th and I am still awaiting shipment on them from Kansas :confused:
no clue what the delay is on getting these crucial parts so that i can get the new clutch in soon soon soon
so i will assume that this mild chattering heard when accelerating in 4th and 5th gear is what happens right before the clutch disk actually DOES start slipping and the engine revs in gear going nowhere as what happened in the old car back in 1990/1991 period
That could be from any of the drivetrain components being worn past their service life. Truck is tired, just a fact.
Well try not to believe them. I can tell you at close to 300k my tundra needed more stuff than the truck would ever be worth. I was sad to see it go, but at the same time I put that $5k into a new tacoma, and haven't looked back.
old Tundra must not be worthy all that much?
Gen1 tacoma is an enigma...
a pure and simple enigma :oops:
Gen1 tundra was known as the great one. At least thats what tundra guru's have said. I call those old tundra's, and any old worn out vehicle money pits. They have little sedimental value to me.
So is everything else whether you own a home, trailer, motorcycle, or anything else thats considered taxable property.
I'd rather have a new vehicle that I can operate with no repair costs other than routine maintenance, rather than an old one I have to keep pumping cash into to keep it on the road. I've kept a record of all my tundra yearly costs. It exceeded what my new tacoma cost to operate every year, plus when it came to what it was actually worth...that was another kick in the ass. Its one thing if you can't find a way to afford a new vehicle, you have no choice, but to keep throwing money into it. Trick is to find a good used late model vehicle that was just traded in for some odd reason. I've gotten burnt on those too. Usually buying used is buying someone else's problems.
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I'd cancel that order and find another source.

Suggest doing this before the truck strands you in Booneyville near Nowhere, USA.
that order was over 40 per cent off MSRP
plus +++ if a yota parts dept. dealer cannot get it because of backOrder then i suppose NO OTHER yota parts dealer can get it either?
Less educating, and more doing. Thats the problem with our young population today....they're brought up to get all these worthless degrees, then they don't know what real work is.